He loves you unconditionally, no matter what you have done or who you are! He loves you so much, He willingly sent His only son to die for you and me so that we could have eternal life (John 3:16). A relationship with God through Jesus Christ is available to anyone! This is a free gift that cannot be earned through good deeds or by simply being “good” (Ephesians 2:8; 1 Timothy 1:9).
If you are searching for peace in your life, it is possible through a personal relationship with a loving God. He is ready and willing to help you right now, right where you are. The blood of Jesus Christ, shed on the cross, provides the only way of salvation through the forgiveness of sin. Salvation will occur when you place your faith in the death and resurrection of Christ as sufficient payment for sin.
If you want to accept the free gift of salvation now, you can say this simple prayer from your heart:
“Dear God, I know I need a savior. I believe you so loved the world, that you sent your only son Jesus to die a sinner’s death so that I could have life. I accept your gift of salvation. I place my trust in you, Jesus. I ask you to be the Lord of my life. Thank you for making me a new creation! Amen!”
You’ve made the “Best Choice Ever” and have accepted Jesus as your personal Savior. Now that you’re ready to build a relationship with Jesus, BVC is here to help get you where you want to be. We are excited and honored to be a part of your awesome next steps. To stay connected, we’d love it if you would provide us with some info. Follow the link below to start your journey.
Now that you have made a decision to follow Christ, you may ask, “What’s next?” Well, we are so glad you asked!

God has an incredible purpose for your life. Take a deeper look at what it means to follow Jesus in GROW and see the essential steps that every Christian needs to take to be successful in their life with Christ. Reading the bible also takes our growth experience beyond the weekend and into our everyday lives.

Sunday is our big day to gather together to worship, learn and grow. We have services for all ages and everyone is welcome to come as they are.

Next Steps is a catalyst to help you become a fully-devoted follower of Jesus Christ. It also, offers the tools necessary to make this happen in your life. From the initial decision to accept Jesus as your Lord to your final destination in life-changing ministry, we will lead you step-by-step into a fulfilling leadership role.